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Business Conference
ACSC serves CISOs, CIOs, legal counsels, corporate risk officers and key members of the information security team. 

Our collaborative programs strengthen these leaders in
corporate governance, risk mitigation, and compliance -
while fostering a resilient security posture in the face of evolving threats.
Portrait of Businesswoman


ACSC helps CISOs, CIOs, and other security executives buttress technical expertise and strategic acumen, enabling them to navigate complex security landscapes, stay abreast of evolving threats, and make informed decisions that prioritize the protection of sensitive data and the continuity of business operations.

Legal Counsel

Legal Counsel

ACSC helps legal counsels bridge the gap between legal requirements and technical implementations, providing strategic guidance and expertise to navigate the evolving landscape of data privacy, regulatory compliance, and cyber risk management.

Smiling Lawyer in Lobby
Risk Officers

Risk Officers

ACSC helps risk officers sharpen their understanding of security vulnerabilities and technology changes in order to further risk mitigation strategies needed to safeguard the organization's assets and reputation in an ever-changing threat landscape.

IR, SecOp, Threat Intel

Incident Response, Security Operations, and Threat Intelligence

ACSC provides security operations and threat Intel staff with unique opportunities to develop practice and skills through peer networks, tabletop and cyber range exercises.

Our Members (by Organization)
Our Members
(Alphabetical By Organization)

Lead Partner

CIO: Bill Brown

CISO: Tony O'Neill

CISO: Lester Smith


CISO: Christian Hamer

CISO: Jeremy Capell, Henry Yu

CISO: Michael Tran Duff

CISO: Jenn Cook, Greg Thompson

CISO: Neil Clauson

CISO: Brian McCarthy, Scott Mancini

CISO: John Schramm, Greg Brinkman, Hubert Kirchgaessner


CISO: Harry Hoffman

CISO: John Parlee

CISO: Tony Faria

CISO: Pat Ford

CISO: Christine Whichard

CISO: Dianne Pacheco, Shahid Kayani


CISO: Bob Huber

CISO: Sohail Iqbal

CIO: Greg Bosworth

Founding Partners & Legal Counsel
Founding Partners
Legal Counsel
Research Partners
Our Research Partners
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