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Conference Goals & Topics
Morning Panel and Table Discussions
AI Use Cases - Risks and Mitigations
Members share applications of AI and the security and governance measures
Lunch Briefing
Cyber Incident Management - Responding to Regulators
In the context of new SEC and other regulatory requirements, key management takeaways from recent significant cyber incidents.
A Fireside Chat on Evolving Financial Institution AI Practices and Governance
Track 1: Evolving AI Governance & Risk Frameworks
Flexible models, aligning strategic and operational risks
Track 2: Case studies and a toolkit for policies, frameworks
Deploying AI in next generation defenses using the most innovative tools and vendors, countering AI driven attacks
Afternoon Sessions and Table Discussions
Welcome Remarks and Morning Keynote
Welcome Remarks and Morning Keynote
AI Use Cases – Risks and Mitigations
Cyber Incident Management – Responding to Regulators
A Fireside Chat on Evolving Financial Institution AI Practices and Governance
Afternoon - Track 1
Afternoon - Track 2
Conference Participants
Member Executives
CISOs, Risk Officers, Legal Counsels, and senior cybersecurity staff
ACSC Partners
Research and strategic partners
ACSC Advisors & Special Guests

ACSC Senior Advisors
AI Co-chairs
Venture Capital Advisors
Venture Capital Advisors
Risk Advisors
Legal Advisors
Venture Capital Advisors
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